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Tanda Awal Kehamilan

Tanda Awal Kehamilan

Tanda Awal Kehamilan

Early Signs of Pregnancy

Congratulation! If you are reading this, then you are most likely excited about becoming a parent or you are curious about the process. You may have noticed some changes in your body that could indicate a possible pregnancy. The following are some of the earliest signs of pregnancy:

Implantation bleeding

This is light bleeding that occurs when the fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus. It usually happens around 10-14 days after conception and can last for a few hours or a few days. Implantation bleeding is often mistaken for a light period, but it is usually lighter in flow and lasts for a shorter duration.

Missed period

One of the most common signs of pregnancy is a missed period. If you are sexually active and have not used any contraception, then a missed period could be a sign that you are pregnant. However, there are other factors that can cause a missed period, such as stress, illness, or changes in your diet or exercise routine.

Tender or swollen breasts

The hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy can cause your breasts to become tender or swollen. You may also experience tingling or itching in your breasts. These changes usually start around 2-3 weeks after conception and can continue throughout your pregnancy.

Nausea and vomiting

Nausea and vomiting, also known as morning sickness, is a common symptom of pregnancy. It usually starts around 6-8 weeks after conception and can last for several months. Morning sickness is thought to be caused by the hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy.


Fatigue is another common symptom of pregnancy. It can start as early as the first few weeks of pregnancy and can last throughout your pregnancy. Fatigue is caused by the increased levels of progesterone that are produced during pregnancy.

Frequent urination

As your uterus grows, it can put pressure on your bladder, causing you to urinate more frequently. This usually starts around 6-8 weeks after conception and can continue throughout your pregnancy.

Darkening of the areolas

The areolas, the dark areas around your nipples, may darken during pregnancy. This is caused by the increased levels of estrogen and progesterone that are produced during pregnancy.

These are just some of the earliest signs of pregnancy. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to see your doctor to confirm your pregnancy and rule out any other potential causes.
